Life&Style Magazine May 15, 2023 | Page 8



Here comes the bride !
“ Billy surprised Naomi with a gorgeous ring ,” a source tells Life & Style . “ She ’ s been wearing it publicly .”

Naomi & Billy


The secret ’ s out ! On April 26 , Naomi Watts was spotted walking her dog outside the Greenwich Hotel in NYC wearing a stunning diamond ring on that finger , sparking speculation that boyfriend Billy Crudup popped the question . “ They ’ ve been keeping the engagement hush-hush ,” says Life & Style ’ s source . “ Naomi ’ s only told her closest friends and family , but of course she said yes .” It will be the first marriage for both Billy and Naomi . The actor , 54 , previously dated Claire Danes and Mary-Louise Parker , mom to his 19-year-old son Will , while the actress , 54 , was with Liev Schreiber for 11 years without

6 May 15 , 2023 ever tying the knot . ( The exes share two children , Sasha , 15 , and Kai , 14 .) “ Neither Naomi nor Billy has been married before , but it ’ s something they ’ d talked about ,” dishes the source . “ The timing just felt right . They ’ re in a great place , and both were ready .” As Naomi begins to plan their wedding — “ It won ’ t be huge ,” says the source — their loved ones are excited to see the couple , who played husband and wife on Net flix ’ s Gypsy , finally make it official . “ Liev is truly thrilled for Naomi , and their kids adore Billy ,” gushes the source . “ It ’ s such a cliché , but they really are one big happy blended family .”
Taylor & Liev ’ s


Congratulations are in order for Liev , 55 , too . He and his longtime love , Taylor Neisen , 31 , are expecting their first child together , says a source : “ He ’ s excited to be starting this adventure all over again .”